Frequently Asked Questions
Games on
To resolve most problems that occur in full screen mode, please set your browser's zoom level to 100%.
For all help with badge or gem related issues, please contact support directly. Unfortunately, we cannot help you ourselves with these issues.
In most cases, you just need a good strategy. All our levels are designed to be solvable. You can also try checking out the 'How To Play' section that is located under the game on You will find some detailed instructions and some tips and tricks that may help you progress. You can also submit a question on the game forum. Your fellow players may have some great tips that can help you out.
The help section on has some great tools to help you resolve problems loading the games. Often, trying a different browser may be enough to get you going. We try to make sure that our games will work on as many devices as possible. However, in order to create a compelling experience, we are unable to support all devices.
Download Games - Compatibility
Our games should run correctly under Windows 10/11. However, if you are experiencing trouble, you can try the following steps:
- Right click on the game icon and select 'Properties'.
- Click on the tab titled: 'Compatibility'.
- In the 'Compatibility mode' group, select the checkbox next to 'Run this program in compatibility mode for:' and select 'Vista' in the drop down box below it.
If you have scaled your screen to a size greater than 100%, some of our games may appear bigger than they should in full screen mode. You can try the following steps to fix the problem:
- Right click on the game icon and select 'Properties'.
- Click on the tab titled: 'Compatibility'.
- In the 'Settings' group, select the checkbox next to 'Disable display scaling on high DPI settings'.
Download Games - General
You can only play the trial version for a limited amount of time. If you like the game, you can easily purchase it online and start playing immediately.
Make sure that the trial version of the game was downloaded from the same website that you purchased the registration code from. A registration code will only unlock the full version of the game it was purchased for.
If you are still having trouble, please contact the support department of the website you purchased the registration code from. You should include your name, the purchase ID (if you have it) and roughly when you think you purchased the registration code in the description field - so they can locate your records.
Most sound and display issues can be resolved by performing one of the following steps:
- Upgrade your computer's sound card drivers by identifying the driver type and following instructions on the manufacturer's website.
- Upgrade your computer's video card drivers by identifying the driver type and following instructions on the manufacturer's website.
- See if Microsoft has any updated drivers available by running Windows Update, which can be found under your 'START' menu, or under 'START / All Programs'.
- Install the latest version of Microsoft DirectX by following the instructions at The DirectX installation includes updated sound and video drivers for many hardware products.
If you are still experiencing display problems (such as mixed up images), you can try forcing the game to start without 3-D hardware acceleration by holding down the Ctrl key when you start the game.
If you are still having trouble, please contact our support department.
This problem is often caused by incompatibilities between your computer's display drivers and the game you are trying to run. You should perform the following steps to try and resolve the problem:
- Upgrade your computer's video card drivers by identifying the driver type and following instructions on the manufacturer's website.
- See if Microsoft has any updated drivers available by running Windows Update, which can be found under your 'START' menu, or under 'START / All Programs'.
- Install the latest version of Microsoft DirectX by following the instructions at The DirectX installation includes updated sound and video drivers for many hardware products.
If you are still having trouble, please contact our support department.
Jolly Bear games require you to be running in 16 bit color or better. If you run a game in windowed mode with only 256 colors, the game will probably not look correct. In addition, if you are running with only 256 colors, the game will try to switch to full screen mode when you run it. To solve these problems, please set your display to 16 bit color or better. If you are unable to do this, you may need to upgrade your display driver.
Jolly Bear games are designed for standard computer monitors. Widescreen displays will tend to cause stretching of the images when in full screen mode. You can try one of the following to prevent this stretching:
- Look at the options for your display driver in the Device Manager. If there is an option to disable video stretching, select it. This will add black borders to each side of the widescreen display that will effectively reduce it to a display with a standard aspect ratio.
- Play the game in windowed mode. If you are in full screen mode, you can switch to windowed mode by pressing the 'Esc' key.
If you are in windowed mode, you can switch to full screen mode by clicking the maximize symbol in the upper-right corner of the window
If you are in full screen mode, you can switch to windowed mode by pressing the 'Esc' key.
This is by design so that you can return to your game at the same point you left it, after you are done with the other application. If the game is paused, simply click the 'Resume' button to keep playing. You may need to click once on the game window first if it does not currently have the focus (usually indicated by a grayed title bar).